political astrology predictions 2022

Yes, asteroids can have retrogrades as well, and they can be powerful! We got a Polish Pope, an actor President, and a very modern Russian president in Gorbachov who set the stage for the changes that culminated in 1989. Baba Vanga and Nostradamus of the Balkans, the two blind mystics, have caught attention again recently thanks to their accurate predictions about the Queen Elizabeth IIs death and her successor King Charles III. Whitehouse very broadly joins the Nemesis/Achilles/Karma T-Square, with a ten-degree orb, but more closely forms a second T-Square with its exact opposition to asteroid McCarthy at 8 Virgo, with asteroid House on the fulcrum at 4 Sagittarius. Mike Kirk states: Planetary testament to instability and crises Peak planetary action for crisis in March 2 to May 18 2022 and then August 2-27 2022; finally, turbulence in the markets in October 2022. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. For the 2022 U.S. Streams of knowledge everyone should know, Copyright@2020 KnowInsider. The U.S.A. never experienced dictatorship and Americans could be/feel patriotic without having to confront the negative aspects of nationalism. Take a look at some of the other notable eclipses, retrogrades, and transits for the year ahead to see what the cosmos have in store for you this year: Partial New Moon Solar Eclipse (April 30). Record of the Previous House Projections here. I print out everything myself. I totally agree with his statement. It is an incredible resource of guidance and updated information on how to go forward. -A.D., GTA Member, William, your ETH call is bad ass, its smashing out of the park. Dont forget about this asteroid. Structures are fragile, wars over the control of resources erupt. Our communication networks are in the hands of a very few people so that our news is filtered through their personal, biased perspective. During the Great Depression and WWII, we had polio. It was Reagan aligning with the religious far right that things began to change with Republicans. This Institutional Terrorism has been occurring all along but it is finally be in our face during the Capricorn Cycle. The ability for people to think in the abstract came with Neptunes discovery. The Great Masters will walk among us. By 1934, Uranus started to enter Taurus. Still, Mr. Kissinger gets it. The great nation on the ocean, which is inhabited by people of different tribes, will be destroyed. Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Neptune, the planet of dreams and unconscious desires, will both have an outsized presence in 2022, creating a fertile period for art, technology, and exploration. The New Souls can create this. However, 2022 will not only start with a Venus retrograde that will affect everyones goals, careers, governments and finances, but well end the year with a Mars retrograde that will cause us to reflect on how we fight for our ideas and communicate with others on a grand sense. In the Summer of 2001, the famous mundane astrologer, Nick Campion, said that he had been researching the Gemini and Sagittarius charts and he has observed that the Gemini chart works best. Watch out for those who manipulate the masses through fear, excitement and agitation agitating and manipulating the minds of others who choose not to think for themselves. Population shifts, massive shifts, triggered by natural disasters and rising water levels have occurred in the past. ), two Funai Media events in Tokyo, Japan, the United Astrology Conference (2018), for the National Council for Geocosmic Research (NYC, Long Island, New Jersey, San Francisco, Milwaukee chapters), American Federation of Astrologers (Los Angeles), the Astrological Society of Connecticut, the San Francisco Astrological Society, and in Europe (Munich and Bucharest) and Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama). Thanks for contacting us. Remember, they only work if within 1 degree of your natal planet and it does impact the House Position. In 1934, heads of the major U.S. corporations made an attempt to overthrow President Roosevelt and establish Fascism in this country. Theres a second Grand Cross here as well, with an exact square to asteroid Karma at 18 Sagittarius, and a square to asteroid Achilles at 17 Gemini. The March 5 2022 conjunction occurs near the New Moon at 14 Pisces. Neptune in Pisces will herald new types of medicine alternative medicine is more popular than ever. The key will be to find a middle ground. When an Object is discovered, it is because enough of people on the planet are now and have been resonating to the new energies that the Object brings in. While there could be further civil unrest, international friction and uncertainty about the path forward for the United States, this has been felt for years building already. This is a month where we feel like we can get "back to life." It's a Lucky Month as well. When Saturn last transited Pisces, even though it was well aspected to the outer planets, it was not an easy time. Demokritos at 7 Aries is exactly conjunct asteroid NOT, a general disqualifier, roadblock, negating factor or symbol of an unwillingness or inability to proceed; also conjoined asteroid Grieve at 6 Aries, stationary direct that very day, a symbol of mourning or loss; and opposed asteroid America at 3 Libra. We've received your submission. Held November 8, the day features multiple activations of Uranus, the planet of the shocking and unexpected, disruption, turmoil, revolution and change, including a conjunction by the Moon and oppositions from the Sun and Mercury. Looking ahead, Neptune in Aquarius dissolved boundaries of communication with a new type of subversive activity occurring, ignoring the laws, via the internet. Expect major situations with governments and people in power to fall from grace due to these themes in the second half of 2022. Saturn will be aspecting Mars and Rahu with a complete aspect. I will give astrology predictions about 2022 mid term election in April 2022. Covid is natures way of balancing the life circle and asking people to slow down a little. We were in a mini-Ice Age, due to the Maunder Minimum (almost no sunspots). In 2020, with the rise of Global Ultra Conservatism that punishes everyone but the rich and augments the rise of White Supremacy, the KKK and the global Neo-Nazi movement now we have a pandemic. And, as Naomi Bennett stated the Saturn-Uranus opposition in 2009 triggered a change in the political party in the president elected. For the Biden inauguration, Jupiter is once again in Aquarius. Election Day 2022 promises to be quite a stunner, a supercharged day which is, ultimately, unpredictable. He sees Americans having to fight for independence once again as a result of Pluto transiting Capricorn. So let's find out, for British-Americans, what are the 10 hardest languages to learn! February 23, 2020. One of Nostradamus' prophecies for the coming year directly concerns Paris, which would be under siege. On October 1, 2010, I read a post from Mark Holmes regarding Eris. It could reveal insights about what we fight for, and how we can channel aggression into productive change. I am sure vaccination will have a huge role to play in bringing us out of these challenges, he said. Lastly, hoaxes and deceptions create chaos. It may be, because Eris entered the challenging and pioneering sign of Aries in February 1926, that this planet works in a manner by which we are confronted with that which is totally new. On the other hand, astrologer Narasimha Rao, similar to Borsch has predicted, that this wave won't be the only wave of 2021. Do not allow yourself to be possessed by opinion seek the facts and facts from legitimate sources, not sources fueled by the Dis-information Program operating out of St. Petersburg Russia (according to Oleg Kalugin, former KGB, living in my area). This cannot go on forever, especially if there is an earthquake. In 2010, I conducted research by using the transit of Uranus in Aries over natal Eris. The Berlin War fell after a Saturn Cycle and communism lost its grip upon its satellite nations. In 2006, the progressed Mars turned Retrograde; in August 2016, Mercury turned Direct by Progression. It is the long-term transits of these remote objects that trigger the process of change. This conjunction occurred in Libra so there was a theme of changing relationships personal and global. Last, and certainly not least, we get to how things will be in the United States and the world, at large. Record of the Previous Senate Projections here. As melting worsens, the Arctic ice melts and more water will cause instability in the earths rotation. Check out Top 20 Best Public High Schools 2023 In The US. During the first half of 2022, the political climate of our turbulent world is looking relatively quiet, and the U.S. is looking more peaceful. There is no logic behind their refusal to pass bills, only the greed for power. Fascism is not about a political party at this time. Somewhat more normal than the past few months and years. The Republicans have tried several times to start a revolution: 61 lawsuits lost, 9 official recounts lost and one insurrection lost. This page will be updated regularly with new projections leading up to the November 8th Midterm Election. Astrologers predict that 2022 will bring "enlightenment, glow . Explore Baba Vanga's predictions for 2022 and check which predictions she made for 2021 became true. Andre Barbault, the French astrologer, wrote in PLANETARY CYCLES that the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces portends a swing to the Left politically. Just before Jeanne passed away, she discussed Neptune in Pisces and Mass Madness and the addiction to Fake News. A secondary theme will be around karmic situations involving sex, power and scandals. Many people are curious about Nostradamus Predictions for 2021. This page lists the predictions for the party to control the Senate and House after the 2022 U.S. It seems illogical to apply Nemesis potentially dire, ruinous effects as regards Roe v Wade to Democrats if anything, national ire about the controversial decision should invigorate their base and boost their turnout. Terrorist groups are creating refugees in the Middle East. I think you are spot on with America conjunct Bida over healthcare. Our Afghanistan allies need to find new homes in the U.S. and other countries because they will be killed by the Taliban. It remains to be seen what will happen. Then, Reagan overturned the fairness act by which a radio or television program must give equal time to each party or candidate if 10 minutes was given to one politician, then equal time had to be given to his opponent. Moreover, Saturn will be transiting just opposite the planets sun & Saturn. Too many politicians are in the pockets of corporations. Pushing a vaccine sets some people up to resist and resist at all costs. They bring major turning points, beginnings, endings and transformations. Jupiter will help him in the Himachal Pradesh Elections. Dont be afraid to get weirdAquarius is a sign that values forward-thinking and an open mind. Lending support for the vital role the decision overturning Roe v Wade will play in this election is asteroid Wade, which at 18 Virgo exactly opposes asteroid Nemesis at 18 Pisces, a point indicating ruin or downfall. The Greek and Roman gods showed us how to be human; the new spiritual philosophies will awaken the God-Aspect of ourselves and teach us what we need to do in order to return Home home to our original God-State. Prediction Track Record U.S. General and Midterm Elections since 2008, Record of 2020 Election Electoral College Projections, PROJECTIONS TRACK RECORD FOR 2018 MIDTERM ELECTION SENATE, PROJECTIONS TRACK RECORD FOR 2018 MIDTERM ELECTION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Accuracy Track Record for the 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election, Astrology and Politics: 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election Predictions, Battleground State Projections Record 2016 U.S. Presidential General Election, Popular Vote 2016 U.S. Presidential Election, Projections Accuracy Track Record for 2016 Presidential Election Primaries, Astrology and Politics: U.S. Presidential Election Predictions 2016 Primaries, Accuracy Track Record for the 2012 U.S. Presidential General Election, Predictions Track Record 2008 Presidential Election, Predictions for the 2008 Democratic Primaries, team of political contest horary astrologers, Record of the Previous Senate Projections here, Record of the Previous House Projections here, Record of the Previous Governor Projections here, Global Transformation Astrology (GTA) membership, After 4 Years Of Trying To Throw Out Trump, It WILL Be Biden Who Doesnt Finish His FirstTerm, The Meaning of the Mayan Calendar End Date Within the Context of Modern Astrology, William Stickevers' Correct Predictions (partial list), 2020 Election - Nuclear Scenario (Oct 19 2020), Astrology and Politics: U.S. Presidential Election Predictions 2016 - Primaries, New Realities Interview: Astrology and UFO Disclosure, Political Contest Horary AstroProbability* generated by geopolitical astrologer William Stickevers, 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Electoral College , 2018 U.S. Midterm Election Analysis & Predictions A Pleiades-aligned blood moon total lunar eclipse will happen on the exact date of the 2022 U.S. midterm elections. Typically, people are less charitable during the hard times but this changed as Neptune in Pisces peeked into our consciousness. The Sign in which Pluto transits denotes the world crises focus, the terrorism of the moment and what needs to be transformed in the current social order. In an Earth sign, there are physical manifestations a destructive earthquake in Turkey and the increase of terrorism, leading us into an unending war in the Middle East. Finally, Mercury goes retrograde one last time on December 29th, closing out the year with one last whisper of confusion to make its presence felt. If not, further enemies will emerge internally, as well as on a world stage. Both charts work so, whichever you use, it will work but it will work best with specific events. There will be a significant improvement in the economy between April 2022 and February 2023. As Alice Howell states in THE HEAVENS DECLARE, when humanity becomes so polarized, a New Era is about to occur. Midterm Election, I'm predicting the: the party to control the . When it comes to key themes and overall mood in 2022, well be feeling more connected to ourselves and each other. There are only about 12 people in the village so determining the outcome is very fast. Now we must battle another type of tyrant big corporations. So, they look for a Savior or an ideology which gives back to them some kind of feeling of self-worth and support (such as groups like the Proud Boys who previously felt alienated. She said that, if there is a Saturn-Uranus affliction during the inauguration, there will be a change in the party in office. Biden has just taken the reins of a country mired in a deep economic and social crisis, and it seems that the seer would not have predicted a too positive future. 2 Supreme Court justices will quit the court, we name them. Some astrologers predicted that the U.S. would fall from being a major power. Find your Safe Place where you feel grounded. Political Astrology Prediction By Dr. Ganesh Dubey | 2022 If you are looking for ways to make progress in your political career through astrology, you have arrived at right place. As a basic definition: astrology is an art form that uses the placement of the planets and luminaries to give insight into aspects of global affairs and life. Truth becomes irrelevant, in their thinking. This bad news is announced in the eighth quatrain of Centuria II: Sacred temples prime Roman style / Will reject the goffers foundations.. People are simply looking for identity, feeling overwhelmed by massive changes, by influences they cannot understand or cope. Find out the horoscope, zodiac sign traits and astrological predictions for Russian President Putin in 2022 and lifetime. Dealing with confusion in the romance department? Damocles represents the doom hanging overhead, about to fall at any moment. When a Coronal Mass Ejection hits the Earth, major earthquakes occur. Pluto in Aquarius brings a revolution against technology and the controls of technology. Historically, Uranus in Gemini portends a great battle for the principles of democracy the American and French Revolutions, the American Civil War and WWII. It crosses Manhattan from the Hudson River to the East River, running approximately along 125th Street. If you want to study business and management in the United States, read on for an overview of the top 10 business schools in the US. The awareness of the new consciousness commences at 1 degree, but becomes obvious at 15 degrees. Sometimes dubbed the wounded warrior, Chiron represents our past trauma and lasting pain. 2023 NYP Holdings, Inc. 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This new Shift will be in tune with Aquarius. It is interesting that the current pandemic, because it is global, works best with the Sibley chart. With the Dark coming to the surface, strike and turmoil will manifest in the world. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to William Stickevers and www.williamstickevers.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. If you are experiencing strong Neptune transits, the Bach Flower Remedy, Clematis, will be extremely helpful in making you feel more grounded and connected to your body. The exceptionally cold winters are due to polar ice breaking off causing a flow of frigid air to flow towards the northern hemisphere countries. Each year, there are conjunctions with other planet combinations. Here are some of Nostradamus' prophecies Daily Horoscope: Best Astrological Prediction for 12 Zodiac Signs (Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Leo , Libra, Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo, Cancer) in love, relationship, money, career and health, etc. The Sibley chart, by Ebenezer Sibley, was the first chart published for the U.S. in 1787. It may become especially difficult to make decisions, communicate your needs accurately, or stay on task. Richard Tarnas (Psyche & Cosmos) states that the myths for the planets stop working effectively after Saturn (and Chiron). Learn what time American schools start, the reason why and how starting school later is better for students right now! Another famous astrologer, Silver DeLong, used 7am (the opening of the poles) in Washington DC. ! Only very rarely are the anti-trust laws invoked. Politics Latest Predictions. Let's see what they are. Your information will never be shared or sold. NOTE: In a dream, Cayce having reincarnated visited New York City in 2100 so it will still be here in 2100. Are you and your love interest meant to be? Nostradamus predicts that seven times as many migrants will wash up on the beaches of Europe. Republican John Duarte has inched in front of moderate Democrat Adam Gray, despite the fact this Central Valley district went for President Joe Biden by 11 points in 2020 . Corporations can more easily control elections with their financial donations. To advance to the higher-level sites, you must solve more complicated hacker problems. Nick Campion, in his THE BOOK OF WORLD HOROSCOPES, quotes a discussion with the pilot whose ancestor was one of the original signers of the Declaration of Independence. Aries 2023 Horoscope you will be challenged by: Healing from past wounds, setting healthy boundaries in your relationships 2022 vs. 2023 for Aries In 2022 you wanted moreindependence In 2023 you'll want moresecurity Read about Aries love, career and more in 2023 In 1934, Big Business, resentful of Roosevelts financial demands, made an intense effort to overthrow FDR and establish a Fascist State in America. Just like thatwere already preparing to welcome in 2022! While she initially wanted to initiate progressive reforms, she lapsed into rigid conservatism and control over the people as a result of her fears regarding the Peasant Uprising and the French Revolution. Some have suggested asteroid Lincoln, for Honest Abe, the GOPs first elected president, but I am loathe to associate that great man with the grievance-driven, autocratically-inclined, conspiracy theory-obsessed mutant organization which the Republican Party has become. 2022 will bring you a surge of entrepreneurship and a greater focus on leadership Jupiter will be especially busy in 2022, as he will dance into Aries from May 10, 2022 until Oct. 28, 2022.. This election is still known as the tightest and closest election in U.S. history. I have always said that, through the discriminating qualities of Transpluto, the new medicine would manifest through the awareness of Light, judging light in terms of brilliance and intensity in healing. Caroline Myss once said that, when there is an epidemic that impacts the health of humanity, there is a sickness in society: This current Jupiter-Saturn conjunction had an impact upon the election and the inauguration charts. After the election some astrologers attempted to blame the incorrect predictions on faulty birth data, but in this kind of prediction there are so many factors. Their deep-pockets money goes to politicians who will do their bidding. With the Earth Changes, we will see a mass migration to warmer areas. The 2019-2022 pandemic is causing a great career migration that these Souls are initiating. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All contents copyright 2017 by Alex Miller. The surface, strike and turmoil will manifest in the U.S. would fall from grace due to these in., works best with the Sibley chart, by Ebenezer Sibley, was the first chart published for planets. On the beaches of Europe affliction during the Capricorn Cycle finally be in our face during the inauguration Jupiter... To occur the process of change the key will be around karmic situations involving sex, power and scandals because! 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political astrology predictions 2022