He graduated from Union University, an evangelical Christian school, in 1995, then earned a degree from the University of Tennessee College of Nursing in 2003. In the past five years, at least 40 medical providers nationwide have been accused of exchanging sex for addictive drugs. No one could quite tell me who or what was responsible for Youngs transformation. Before long, the three men hatched a plan to found a network of health clinics that would check patients cholesterol levels and offer diet and exercise advice. Alperovichs lawyer declined to comment.). Khazan: The Rock Doc, Jeff Young, has been in jail for almost two years, awaiting trial. Scott Deberry: But after a while, when you read stuff, how many people could be wrong? Thats not my fucking problem, all right? Many of the people I interviewedincluding some of Youngs former patients and employeesasked to remain anonymous, often because they feared retribution at the hands of Young and his friends. Though Young at first just seemed to go along with the project, he grew more invested after the first visit, the cameraman told me. One story I found in a letter from Jeffs nursing-board case stuck with me. Its joined at points by a line of harmony played on a synthesizer.). You may not like my rock and roll, you may not like my piercings, you may not like my sexy-ass beard, but you know what? Meanwhile, LeAnn Naylor, the secretary of Jacksons former mayor, first told me over email that she stood by Young after his hearing, but then recently said shed started having doubts because Young would frequently hit on her adult daughter. Young: Listen, I am for the patient. In 2014, Young began seeing a patient identified as MY in a letter from Tennessees department of healtha letter that would ultimately lead to a nursing-board hearing for Young. Oh, look, I got a new haircut today (Fades under.). To a different patient, he wrote, Come fuck me at my office right now., It is not illegal for doctors to have sex with their patients, though its considered unethical. Stephanie would accompany him to different clubs in the area, and wherever he went, she said, he was surrounded by hired bodyguards and friends she called bouncers, who were around for the times when he drank too much or flirted with women and got into fights with their boyfriends. Young was a people pleaser, as one former employee described him. A woman I spoke with who has worked for seven doctors offices in the area estimates that about three-quarters of medical visits there result in an opioid prescription. ), Khazan: So doctors were kind of like, Okay.. The lack of oversight in the Young case is in keeping with practices seen throughout the opioid crisis. So, no, I cant say that. You can all suck my dick! he yells at the camera in one Periscope video, a stethoscope around his neck and a cigar in his hand. Off camera, Young allegedly prescribed 1.4 million addictive pills and had sex with female patients. The Daily Beast Automated News Feed No Censorship, Just News. It moved so slowly in punishing drug-addicted nurses that some were able to get new jobs and steal narcotics while under investigation, an eastern Tennessee news station, WJHL, found in 2016. (The music changes tone, becoming a little more up-tempo and treble-heavy.). Many medical providers are small-business owners who operate with limited oversight from authorities. Olga Khazan: At the time, there wasnt a lot of limits on pharmaceutical companies being able to tell doctors that. Then it rewinds into nothingness.). This episode was reported by Olga Khazan and produced by Alvin Melathe. Trial dates have been set for "Rock Doc" Jeffery Young, his supervising physicians, and two more medical professionals recently indicted on additional drug trafficking charges. (A moment of narrative silence. Ultimately, what hastened Youngs downfall is that some of the female patients asking him for drugs were undercover officers. He seemed, to his former employees, constitutionally unable to deny patients the pills they wanted, even if it was the last thing they needed. To date, none of the alleged victims in Youngs court case has come forward publicly to speak against him. They described Young to me as intelligent, as knowing almost as much as a doctor would knowor maybe even more. Ballard: When it comes to the high-society people, like the pharmacists and these other doctors that were out to get money out of their patientsJeff didnt care about the money. Sometimes he wore scrubs, but most of the time he had on jeans, scrub tops, and a rock T-shirt, and a doctors jacket. Why didnt anyone try to put a stop to this? I just had a lot of questions about how could this happen, you know? ), (The intro to a rock song plays, with a driving, pulsing beat. Nearly a fifth of the citys residents live below the poverty line, and many are afflicted with chronic diseases that often accompany the stresses of a low income. Fact-check by Michelle Ciarrocca and Jack Segelstein. Young was indicted on drug-trafficking charges in April 2019. Who cares? All throughout the past few months, Youngs fans have papered his Facebook wall with loving messages. From that day on, he saw him for everything. 0:04. #coffeeplease #noontime #rockrageradio www.rockrageradio.com LaRhonda Scott Deberry: When I first met him, I thought maybe he was prejudiced. Its a small town; people talk. Khazan: Anyone online could watch him, say, biopsy someones skin while listening to hard rock. The week that followed Martin Luther King Jr.s assassination was revolutionaryso why was it nearly forgotten? 1:07. The clinic sat on a quiet road crammed with other medical practicesa sleep doctor, a dentist, a nephrologist, an orthodontisteach in its own brick McMansion. At first, Young seemed to Reitz like an affable, outgoing dad who loved rock and practiced medicine. On April 17, 2019, officials swept through Appalachia, charging 53 medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. But that did not put a stop to Youngs ambitions. I dont like him asking out my daughter But even then, I still went to him, and my ex-husband still went to him. In 2020, had he not been indicted, he would have been allowed to petition to have his prescribing privileges reinstated, as long as he agreed to extra monitoring. Youngs case provides a rare glimpse into the ways patients wind up addicted to the powerful painkillers fueling the national opioid epidemic. Phillips popped off to a friend.). I asked to speak with him for this story, but because of a gag order on the case, his lawyer declined interviews with me. Khazan: And Christi also told me a very similar thing as the other patients I talked to: Shes had terrible experiences with other doctors. The sharpteeth charge through and run into the rock spire and fall down. Young got married, then quickly got divorced, according to several people who knew him then. When I visited the clinic shortly before the hearing, Young had just finished up with a patient. Like, all these doctors who are really out of line and just writing so many scripts for so many addictive drugs, theyre really not being careful at all. Not that theyre not cheating on their wives. Naylor: My husband hadnt been to a doctor in years. had lower back pain and complained of numbness in his left arm. After the hearing, Young was jailed pending his trial, which is currently scheduled to be held this spring. So what? I mean, you wouldve thought they were giving away meds for free, to be honest. Every time. Dont worry, my tattoos dont like you either, one image reads. He decked out PreventaGenix with psychedelic artwork and set the stereo to loud rock. At the beginning of the opioid epidemic, the autonomy of doctors to prescribe opioids was almost limitless, Keith Humphreys, a Stanford University professor who researches mental-health policy, says. Some of his patients were police officers whom he would occasionally ask for favors. Khazan: In one sense, I understand some of Jeffs patients defensiveness toward him. The week that followed Martin Luther King Jr.s assassination was revolutionaryso why was it nearly forgotten? The pilot footagesome of which Young posted to YouTube, and some of which I obtained from a person who was once close to Youngportrays the Rock Doc as a medical bad boy whos willing to break free from the establishment to deliver real talk. LeAnn Naylor: I have not had a lot of positive interactions with doctors. (Dawn did not press charges at the time, and she declined to speak with me for this story.). Young: Whats up, my friend? I dont I dont even know what to say. They liked his plainspoken approach to medicine, a profession typically associated with jargon and elitism. every time. And that was not the case at all. You may not like my rock and roll. They entered the office and ordered the clinics staffers to lie on the floor. (Topix has since been shut down.) I asked to speak with him for this story, but because of a gag order on the case, his lawyer declined interviews with me. American doctors went on to prescribe opioids at much higher rates than their counterparts in other countries. In 2012, Young was working at a cardiology practice in Jackson when, with a consultant named Rich Reitz and cardiologist named Dharmesh Patel, he set up a side business giving talks to doctors about treating heart attacks and strokes. [Laughs.] And most doctors youve seen, they give off this persona as like, Im too cool. (Four years later, the health department received a complaint about this testosterone sideline, but the complaint was never assigned to an investigator, according to Pickering.) Khazan: LaRhonda Scott Deberry is a 54-year-old former teacher who lives in Memphis. Khazan: Jeff had been good to Tanya in the clinic, which was an experience that she didnt usually have with doctors. Calles: I mean, the whole deal of him being in jail this long is completely unfair. Occasionally he would glare at his ex-wife Dawn, who was in the gallery. Jackson nurse-practitioner Jeffrey Young, known as the "Rock Doc," was released on bond and will be allowed to continue treating patients, a federal judge ruled Thursday. She would get phone calls at her house, answer, and hear only strange whispers, she said in a court hearing. There was no statement even made to the Feds. Why didnt anyone try to put a stop to this? I just had a lot of questions about how could this happen., Further reading: The Hard-Partying, Rock-Obsessed Nurse at the Center of a Massive Opioid Bust. Through his lawyer, Michael R. Working, Phillips did not return several requests for comment. Jackson, TN USA. They go on working. This is just gonna be a little freeze spray first. Of course other doctors dont write as many prescriptions, the implication seemed to be. (Fades under.). Thank you for taking care of me, not just the sex and satisfaction but the Soma too, wrote one patient, referring to a muscle relaxer. He has pleaded not guilty to all the charges against him. Our team also includes Gabrielle Berbey, Emily Botein, Matt Collette, Tracie Hunte, and me, Natalia Ramirez. Its gonna be a little cold, all right? Patients, meanwhile, dont always know that medical boards exist in the first place, or that they can complain to them if theyve been wronged, Lisa Robin, the chief advocacy officer for the Federation of State Medical Boards, says. He has been arrested several times, though not convicted, for assaulting women. Opioid manufacturers such as Endo, the maker of Opana, and Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, targeted high-volume providers, in particular generalists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, who generally had less expertise in pain management and were more receptive to marketing from sales consultants, according to a lawsuit filed by the state of Tennessee against Endo in May 2019. Whats up kids? She said, He latches on to young single mothers, and he rushes in and wants toquote-unquotesave them.. He even convinced her to get weight-loss surgery. (Fades under.). He may have that, but hes not Hes down to earth. But I was willing to overlook all that, you know? Angele Latham. Even if the treatment doesnt work, it feels good to be listened to when youre used to being ignored. Calles: I really am so thankful that he suggested that to me, because if he hadnt have, I probably wouldve never done it, because I wouldnt take anybody else seriously enough to even think about doing it. But one thing that I was really curious about is how you actually went from having opioids being a thing that existed to having opioids be a thing that existed in peoples medicine cabinets. I said, um, So what are yall doing after-hour? The next year, Jeff prescribed M.Y. And, to be honest, most of the time when you see a white male with a lot of tattoos, theyre usually not someone that hangs around with people of different races. It wasnt like any medical office Id ever been to. Yes. Despite some patients praise for Young, the evidence that he routinely walked far over that line remains alarming. He pleaded not guilty to the charges, and is currently in jail awaiting trial. Patients say the Rock Doc helped them like no one else could. Make and Model: The only Billboard Hot 100 entry for new wave greats The Cars with an automotive title to match their band name . He soon opened a new clinic, which he called GeneXis Health. I talked to him a couple of weeks ago. However, many of Youngs online supporters have remained loyal. In July 2016, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation began looking into allegations that Young was overprescribing opioids. 1:32. One of them was that I had the story all wrong. And it was immediately clear that he is not your average medical provider. Young cared for all kinds of people, some of whom didnt have money or health insurance. Employees I spoke with said he eventually was seeing 50 to 85 patients a day, compared with about 20 for the average doctor, and most of them seemed to be on opioids. When you got all kinds of money, said Jon Benjamin Sharp, a local musician who used to see Young around town, you got all kinds of friends. (Sharp made clear that he himself wasnt a fan of Youngs.) A new court filing, first reported by The Tennessean last week, portrays the Rock Doc as a menacing figure at the intersection of the opioid crisis and the #MeToo movement. Scott Deberry: You go to the doctor, and you tell them whats wrong with you, and they look at you like, Oh, its nothing. (Fades under.). Young put his name behind charity projects around town, took health insurance, and offered discounts for people who otherwise couldnt afford care. Several others dismissed the notion that Young could be sexually coercive. Trust me, I got people, he says to the camera. MY died on August 25, 2015, from an apparent drug overdose. Young and the others were among dozens of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists arrested across seven states, targets in the nations largest takedown of medical providers related to prescription opioids. At Youngs practice, the quantities of opioids were larger than many investigations that I conducted, Shirley Pickering, a nursing-board investigator, later said in court. Scott Deberry: When I first was going in the office, I could go in there and thered be maybe 10 of us in there. Khazan: LaRhonda was skepticalbut she was also dealing with a lot of pain. By 2012, Young was allegedly supplying testosterone without a clear medical reason to high schoolers who wanted to bulk up. The agents seized about 350 of Youngs patient charts and every computer in the office, according to Gutgsell, the former office manager, and the notice of seizure states that about 10,000 individual doses of hydrocodone were also taken. At other times, PreventaGenix staffers would stumble upon a woman he had brought to the clinic the previous night. This requirement is waived, however, in cases where public health, safety, or welfare imperatively requires emergency action.). Young, 43, a Tennessee nurse practitioner who called himself 'Rock Doc' and once piloted . A restaurant called the Little Rebel displayed a Confederate flag. Other doctors dont post pictures of themselves with motorcycles and scantily clad women, either. A year later, the Tennessee nursing board suspended his ability to prescribe most opioids and other controlled substances for two years, saying that he had prescribed them irresponsibly. [Khazan laughs, then Calles emphasizes each word that follows.] Two bouncers made sure she got home, but when she woke up in bed the next morning, her eyes were black, her nose was broken, and her mouth was bleeding. You could see, almost, when you were talking to him, he was listeningand he was thumping that pen to the beat of the music. The allegations, when they started coming, though, really started coming fast. Rather than suffer any real consequences for his allegedly reckless prescribing, Young continued to work as a medical provider for years. Do you feel safe with Mr. Young being out there? a prosecutor on the case, Andrew Pennebaker, asked Pickering in court. Youngs devotees have maintained for years that he was a great man on a noble mission, and that people who spoke against him didnt understand his radical approach. Federal prosecutors say his help often amounted to dealing drugs for sex. She doesnt think Young was the one who drugged her, but she believes nevertheless that she was drugged. This social-media stardom appears to have helped inoculate him against concerns that his loose approach to medicine could harm anyone. Be part of The Experiment. Defending himself in one of his on-camera interviews, Young acknowledges that he is maybe a little untraditional and that he might like to drink a little bit after hours. But, he says, Im very passionate about what I do I work hard, but I play harder. Youngs practice was, for a time, an inexpensive, reliable option for medical care in Jackson. And now we see the result. Throughout Youngs year-long treatment of MY, Young failed to conduct pill counts, consult a state database meant to monitor the dispensing of controlled substances, and discuss with MY the risks of combining these drugs, according to the document. As the court spent two days scrutinizing his years of alleged misdeeds, he sat mostly silently. And whats remarkable about the Rock Doc is that he streamed his private interactions with patients online. An active and fun show following the life of FNP Jeff Young II at work and his life after work. Prosecutors say Young used his rebellious persona to take advantage of patients, distributing highly addictive painkillers on demand and in large quantities for profitand, often, his own sexual gratification. Khazan: But the pilot also showed the other side of Jeff. Youngs pursuit of fame culminated in his attempt to launch the Rock Doc television show. Khazan: Because I couldnt talk to Jeff, Ive spent more hours than I want to admit combing through his Periscope videos, trying to understand this man. A woman Ill call Stephanie developed a friendship with Young a few years ago when she was regularly seeing him for swelling in her throat. Khazan: To me, this felt immature, but it was all part of the brand. The nurse practitioner Jeffrey Young produced a reality-TV pilot in which he branded himself "the Rock Doc., The week that followed Martin Luther King Jr.s assassination was revolutionaryso why was it nearly forgotten? Yet he still attracted patients at GeneXis prior to his detention hearing in May 2019. Khazan: Even LaRhonda, the retired teacher who had soured on Jeff, told me that Jeff was the rare provider who would take her pain seriously. Automated News Feed Subreddit No Censorship, Just News. Jeffrey Young was one of those people. Khazan: I was wondering if your ex-husband still supports Jeff or thinks he was a good medical provider. Like many actual rock stars, he flamed out on his own extravagant lifestyle. Some people from the area said they had been harassed by Jeff and were afraid to speak out. Rudins lawyer did not respond to a request for comment. His wife also loves animals and works in the same clinic. Of the women who returned my calls, none wanted to speak on the record under her real name, but all denied that Young had sexually abused them. Five other medical providers, just in Jackson, were indicted too. You know that. Khazan: LaRhonda didnt know anything about all of thisthe nursing board didnt make their investigation publicbut she was following him on social media. The grosser side. His case before the nursing board stalled for two more years. The opioid epidemicwhich appears to only be getting worsehas made clear that wherever pain exists in America, grifters will follow. His black shirt collar didnt quite hide the tattoos on the back of his neck. Hed also given her tips on how to eat better and how to lose weight. Khazan: Do you feel like Jeff has done more harm than good? He would chitchat with his patients, ask them about their latest tattoos. ], Oh, you look fine to me.. Naylor: (A long beat and a breath.) Off camera, Young allegedly prescribed 1.4 million addictive pills and had sex with female patients. (Stephanie asked me to use a pseudonym for her because she doesnt want her name associated with the case.) Young was, in short, a medical provider who acted like everyones best friend. Khazan: And he posted dozens of videos there. One person with knowledge of the case gave me a list of several women who, the person believed, were having sex with Young in exchange for drugs. Years active. Young: So, the, uh, the sinister ministerthat would be me (Fades under again.). Though many of these deaths have been caused by street drugs such as heroin and illegally manufactured fentanyl, the nations opioid epidemic was sparked by the kinds of painkillers medical providers prescribed. Khazan: Her husband had severe dehydration and was suffering from a heat stroke. Longoria: Pharmaceutical companies marketed these drugs aggressively to doctors. On it, they found evidence of Young having sex with many different women, one of whom appeared to be motionless and had her eyes closed, a DEA agent testified later. Khazan: In 2016, Jeff tried to broadcast his world even more widely. The clinics aim would be to halt the parade of miseriesheart attacks, early deaths, hospital billsbrought on by the obesity epidemic. Longoria: This week, Olga Khazan peers into an internet portal to try to find one answer to how on earth we found ourselves in an opioid crisis. I just asked him. In 2013, she was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, a chronic disorder that is usually accompanied by widespread pain and fatigue. People who criticized Young swiftly became his enemies. LeAnn said that Jeff stayed for hours, changing IV bags and chatting with him. She told me that while she was a patient at the clinic, she had a front-row seat to Preventagenix getting more and more popular. Several people suggested suing for defamation a news station that reported on the incident. In addition to steroid shots, Young prescribed her oxycodone, Xanax, and Adderall for her various medical issues. No one else seemed capable of treating all her problemsthroat swelling, high blood pressure, attention issues. Jeff refilled M.Y.s prescriptions for Percocet and Valium and gave him a new one for hydrocodone. The former patient told me she became afraid to leave her house. Right? He made them feel comfortable in a way that no other doctor did. Fullington, who was also let go, told me she got a threatening call from Young. Young: Hi, my name is Jeff Young. Naylor: I felt like he was being treated unfairlythat maybe he had even been set up. Was suffering from a heat stroke for everything wall with loving messages wanted to bulk up, doctors! A profession typically associated with the case. ) go, told me she afraid! Beat and a breath. ) opioids at much higher rates than their in... Officers whom he would glare at his ex-wife Dawn, who was also dealing with driving. Hear only strange whispers, she was drugged of fame culminated in his attempt to launch the Doc! 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