spring mountain ranch hoa rules

Roof surfacing materials are an important means of blending the new construction into the existing character of the site. Common Area owned or managed by the Corporation. Spring Mountain Ranch Homeowners Association. HOA Fee Includes. All trees over 6 in diameter outside the area of disturbance shall also be marked. Home site coverage maximums shall be based upon the following calculations: The maximum coverage for home sites is as follows: Home sites less than 12,000 square feet 25%. As any valuable natural resource, water should not be used in a wasteful manner. The nomination committee shall consist of a chairperson, who shall be a member of the Board of Directors, and two (2) or more Members of the Association. Architectural Request Form. Surface systems (swales, culverts, retention basins) are preferable to closed underground systems. The Board of Directors may appoint an Assistant Treasurer and an Assistant Secretary, and such other officers as in the Board of Directors judgment may be necessary. All roof flashing and appurtenances shall be copper or of a painted or coated color harmonious with the roof and upper wall surfacing. Such adjourned meetings may be held without notice thereof as provided in this Article 3, except that notices shall be given by announcement at the meeting at which such adjournment is taken. Use of a variety of wall materials may lend to visual interest but too many changes may make the wall visually unpleasing. Note: Distribution of additional side yard requirements should be based upon careful review of each home site and neighboring home sites or structures. To search for an HOA by county, please see the list of California counties below. Placement of walls and fences should respect the existing land forms, following existing contours. Except as otherwise provided in the Master Declaration, the affirmative vote of more than fifty percent (50%) of the votes of the Members is the act of the Members. The Board of Directors has the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the affairs of the Corporation, as more fully set forth in the Master Declaration, and may do all such acts and things as are not by law or by these Bylaws directed to be exercised and done exclusively by the Owners. All roof flashing and appurtenances shall be of a painted or coated color harmonious with the roof and upper wall surfacing. At any such adjourned meeting, any business which might have been transacted at the meeting as originally called may be transacted without further notice. If you find an incorrect hoa fee or other inaccurate hoa information we would love your input to make this website the most valuable . Before buying in Spring Mountain Ranch HOA you will want to check out their reserve funds, budgets, bylaws as well as the rules and restrictions of the community. Wherever possible, houses should be sited within the trees, or just off the tree line to maintain the existing tree edge. View Community Location. Negative drainage impacts on neighboring sites must be minimized and fully mitigated. Each building lot contains its own particular natural drainage pattern, the result of its topography and vegetation. These guidelines and the review by the Architectural Committee do not supersede, nor replace, the requirements for any permits or review by the City of McCall or other governmental or regulatory agency. In the design of each home, there are several key factors which will limit the size, coverage and location of the anticipated buildings. The user agrees to hold harmless, protect, indemnify, and forever release First American Title Insurance Company and its officers, directors, agents, and employees, from and against any and all liabilities, losses, damage, expenses and charges, including but not limited to attorneys' fees and expenses of litigation, which may be sustained or This variation in site topography provides a variety of design opportunities which include: Lower level entry with garage access and walk out on upper level. ft. Meetings shall be conducted by the officers of the Corporation in order of their priority. Appendix A: Design Review Application and Check List is provided to assist each owner in preparing the submittal to the Architectural Committee. Section 5.7 Vice President. Riverside, CA 92507. windows are discouraged, but they may be used with an approved finish. We try to provide the most accurate information on every homeowners association. These guidelines are intended to be used in conjunction with a formal design review process. Section 4.9 Other Regular Meetings. Copper, zinc, terne plate, or Korten steel may be used without any coating. Committee meeting announcements and minutes of meetings. Appendix C Helpful Hints is provided to help you and your designers with key areas of concern which should be considered in order to avoid specific site and construction problems due to the winter climate in McCall, Idaho. The Master Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation, and the Bylaws of the Association shall be available for inspection by any member at the principal office of the Association, where copies may be purchased at reasonable cost. For the reservation form please click here for policies and guidelines please click here. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to mail a notice of each annual or special meeting of the Corporation, stating the purpose thereof as well as the day, hour and place where such meeting is to be held, to each Member of record, and any person in possession of a Building Lot, at least ten (10) but not more than thirty (30) days prior to such meeting. Where paved surfaces are desired, the choice of material and the alignment of the path or driveway should be based upon both aesthetic and functional considerations. Amendment to the Rules and Regulations of Mountain Springs Ranch Property Owners Association - January 2012 POLICIES AND RESOLUTIONS Resolution of the Board of Directors April 23, 2018 Violations Operational Guidelines and Fine Policy - Rev. The following roofs are permitted under certain conditions: Shed roofs are allowed if attached to buildings whose predominant shapes are one of the types permitted without restriction. Section 10.4 Determination of Standard of Conduct. Our service area extends across the Colorado Front Range with offices in Westminster, Centennial, Loveland, and Colorado Springs. About Spring Mountain Ranch. Section 1.2 Bylaws Applicability. If any or all of the Directors are so removed, new Directors may be elected at the same meeting. The Board of Directors shall cause to be maintained a full set of books and records showing the financial condition of the affairs of the Corporation in a manner consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. The area of disturbance which is created through the construction and grading of the project needs to be carefully reviewed and considered in the layout of the home site. This spirit or feel is critical to the overall, long- term quality and value of the Spring Mountain Ranch Community. Windows Addendum Form. The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the Corporation as may be ordered by the Board of Directors in accordance with the Master Declaration, shall render to the President and Directors upon request, an account of all transactions as Treasurer and of the financial condition of the Corporation, and shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these Bylaws. Record Inspection Policy. To expedite the review of your application, there are two specific review steps; first a preliminary review for site and preliminary design, and then a full review of the building and the site development. Section 4.8 Organization Meeting. If any meeting of the Corporation cannot be organized because a quorum has not attended, the Members who are present, either in person or by proxy, may adjourn the meeting to a time not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days from the time the original meeting was called, at which meeting the quorum requirement shall be the presence in person or by proxy of the Members holding at least ten percent (10%) of the total votes entitled to be cast at such meeting. The officers of the Corporation shall be elected annually by the Board of Directors at the Organizational Meeting of each new Board of Directors, and each officer shall hold office for one (1) year unless he shall sooner resign or shall be removed or otherwise disqualified. (b) That it would be inconsistent with any condition expressly imposed by a court in approving a settlement. Minutes or a similar record of the proceedings of meetings, when signed by the President or Secretary, shall be presumed truthfully to evidence the matters set forth therein. The provisions of these Bylaws are applicable to the Spring Mountain Ranch (hereinafter called the Property), a subdivision located in the City of McCall, County of Valley, State of Idaho, generally provided for in the Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Spring Mountain Ranch, and the amendments and supplements thereto, recorded or to be recorded in the office of the County Recorder, Valley County, Idaho (the Master Declaration). Section 5.5 Special Appointment. The Corporation will provide an audited statement for the preceding fiscal year if the holder, insurer or guarantor of any first mortgage that is secured by a Building Lot submits a written request for it. It is suggested that cold roof design be used for roofs over heated interior spaces to avoid ice damage to the roofs and eaves. The upper wall material may differ from that of the lower wall, or be of the same material. An annual operating statement reflecting income and expenses of the Corporation, shall be distributed to each Member within ninety (90) days after the end of each fiscal year, and to first mortgagees who have in writing requested notice of Corporation proceedings. The community is situated in the neighborhood of Tule Springs. Roof slopes should typically be between 41/2 in 12 to 8 in 12 with overhangs generally 3-0. Section 5.1 Designation. It shall be the duty of the President to call a special meeting of the Corporation as directed by resolution of the Board of Directors, or upon request of the Class B Member or upon a petition signed by Members who are entitled to vote one-fourth (1/4) of all the votes of the Class A Membership. Front yard setback is twenty feet (20) minimum with a ten foot (10) variance allowed for side entry garages. Extent and Limitations of Indemnifications. Typical Setback Submittal. The Board of Directors, except as in these Bylaws otherwise provided, may authorize any officer or officers, agent or agents, to enter into any contract or execute any instrument in the name and on behalf of the Corporation, and such authority may be general or confined to specific instances; and unless so authorized by the Board of Directors, no officer, agent or employee shall have the power or authority to bind the Corporation by any contract or engagement or to pledge the Corporations credit or to render the Corporation liable for any purpose or in any amount. The process developed for the review and approval of each building is intended to provide insight into the various design constraints of Spring Mountain Ranch. The design character of Spring Mountain Ranch is based upon good sense design. To the extent that an agent of the Corporation has been successful on the merits in defense of any proceeding referred to in Section 10.2 or in defense of any claim, issue or matter therein, the agent shall be indemnified against expenses actually and reasonably incurred by the agent in connection therewith. Get Connected. The nominating committee shall be appointed by the Board of Directors prior to each annual meeting of the Members, to serve from the close of such annual meeting until the close of the next annual meeting, and such appointment shall be announced at each annual meeting. The notice may set forth time limits for speakers and nominating procedures for the meeting. Spring Mountain Ranch HOA (managed by Vacasa) maintains the Ranch House Amenities and governs the entire Planned Unit Development and community. Privacy screens attached to buildings may be tall and opaque if of material and design matching the building. Any columns, piers, or other support members are sized as to give an appearance of mass and strength. CCR's. Bylaws. The HOA Information and Resource Center also serves as a resource for consumers to understand their basic rights and duties under the Colorado Common Interest Ownership Act. Pay Your Account. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the Board of Directors or to the President or Secretary of the Corporation. These rules are often found in a zoning code, planning code, or city ordinances. Measures must be taken to identify the area of disturbance on site, tag all trees over 6 in diameter within the area of disturbance and provide construction limits through the use of stakes and ribbon. Any action so approved shall have the same effect as though taken at a meeting of the Directors. INC. The Vice President shall take the place of the President and perform such duties whenever the President shall be absent, disabled or unable to act. However, no indemnification shall be made in respect of any claim, issue or matter as to which such person shall have been adjudged to be liable to the Corporation in the performance of such persons duty to the Corporation, unless and only to the extent that the court in which such proceeding is or was pending shall determine upon application that, in view of all the circumstances of the case, such person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnity for the expenses which such court shall deem proper. The order of business at all meetings shall be as follows: (a) roll call to determine the voting power represented at the meeting; (b) proof of notice of meeting or waiver of notice; (c) reading of minutes of preceding meeting; (d) reports of officers; (e) reports of committees; (f) election of Directors; (g) unfinished business; and (h) new business. Reservations may be made by contacting Matt Caldwell either by phone at 208-634-7766 or by e-mail SMRhomeowners@gmail.com. Section 4.10 Special Meetings. Make sure there [Read more.] Except as otherwise defined herein, all terms herein initially capitalized shall have the same meanings as are applied to such terms in the Master Declaration including, without limitation, Articles, Assessments, Association, Building Lot, Common Area, Grantor, Class A Member, Class B Member, and Owners.. 4,200 Sq. Careful attention to and submittal of the check list found in Appendix A will aid in the smooth processing of each application. New buildings and other construction should be placed on the site with respect to the existing key features such as tree massing, topography, and rock outcroppings. While every new home in Spring Mountain Ranch should seek to minimize the impact of construction on the existing landscape, some disturbance of the site is inevitable. Upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the entire Board of Directors, any officer may be removed, either with or without cause, and a successor elected at any regular meeting of the Board of Directors, or any special meeting of the Board of Directors called for such purpose. Attendance by a Director at any meeting of the Board of Directors shall be waiver of notice by that Director of the time and place thereof. Fifteen feet (15) minimum each side in width. In case of any conflict between the Articles of Incorporation and these Bylaws the Articles shall control; and in the case of any conflict between the Master Declaration and these Bylaws, the Master Declaration shall control. They may be used in moderation as a secondary roof shape on buildings with an acceptable predominant roof form. All checks, drafts or other orders for payment of money, notes or other evidences of indebtedness issued in the name of or payable to the Corporation shall be signed or endorsed by such person or persons, and in such manner as, from time to time, shall be determined by resolution of the Board of Directors. (a) Every Owner must perform promptly, at the Owners sole cost and expense, all maintenance and repair work on such Owners Building Lot as required under the provisions of the Master Declaration. Except for the Class B Membership as provided for in the article of Incorporation and the Master Declaration, and except as may be otherwise provided in the Master Declaration, each Member shall be entitled to one vote for each Building Lot owned by such Member. The termination of any proceeding by judgment, order, settlement, conviction or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent shall not, of itself, create a presumption that the person did not act in good faith and in a manner which the persons reasonably believed to be in or not opposed to the best interests of the Corporation or with respect to any criminal proceeding that the person had reasonable cause to believe that the persons conduct was unlawful. A typical home site submittal should indicate the above as illustrated. Trash Removal; Water; Gas; Snow Removal; Community Features. Decks and Patios of 350 sq. SPRING MOUNTAIN RANCH HOMEQWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Also, Brias Homeowners Association, Canyon Crest Community Association . Except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation or the Master Declaration, the presence in person or by proxy of the Class B Member where there is such a Member, and the presence in person or by proxy of the Members holding at least thirty percent (30%) of the total votes entitled to be cast by all Members shall constitute a quorum of the Membership. Sprawling and splendid, Spring Mountain Ranch State Park is adjacent to the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area and has been used historically as a working ranch and a luxury retreat by a string of colorful owners, including German actress Vera Krupp and millionaire Howard Hughes. If allowed they must be designed in accordance with the architectural guidelines and overall site character. Preparation of should take into account the seasonal diversity, support, irrigation requirements, and fire management of the plants selected. Votes may be cast in person or by proxy. If any meeting cannot be held because a quorum is not present, the Members present may adjourn the meeting to a time not less than ten (10) days nor more than thirty (30) days from the time the original meeting was scheduled, without notice other than announcement at the meeting. The Secretary shall record the votes and keep the minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and the minutes of all meetings of the Corporation at the principal office of the Corporation or such other place as the Board of Directors may order. What, exactly, does the new law mean for your HOA? (b) As further provided in the Master Declaration, each Owner shall reimburse the Corporation for any expenditures incurred in repairing or replacing any portion of the Property owned or controlled by the Corporation which are damaged through the fault of the Owner, and each Owner shall promptly reimburse the Corporation for the costs of repairing, replacing and/or maintaining that portion of the Property which the Corporation has repaired, replaced or maintained pursuant to the Master Declaration. Section 5.8 Secretary. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, at all meetings of the Board of Directors, a majority of the Directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, and the acts of the majority of the Directors present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the acts of the Board of Directors. Except as otherwise provided in the Master Declaration, the Assessments shall be made equally per Building Lot for all Members of the Corporation obligated to pay such Assessment. No amendment to these Bylaws shall take effect unless by a consent of the Members holding more than fifty percent (50%) of the votes of the Members of the Corporation. Cumulative voting is not permitted. Design Review Guidelines. Whenever possible, this surface drainage pattern should be preserved. The upper wall materials should convey a sense of human scale and warmth, with a rural residential feeling. The Secretary shall maintain a book of record Owners, and any person in possession of a Building Lot that is not an Owner, listing the names and addresses of the Owners, and any person in possession of a Building Lot that is not an Owner, as furnished to the Corporation and such book shall be changed only at such time as satisfactory evidence or a change in ownership of a Building Lot is presented to the Secretary. Sensitivity to, and respect for, the natural beauty and constraints of Spring Mountain Ranch will help maintain this asset for the entire community. NO Walls are held off the ground by thin members. Nominations may also be made from the floor at the annual meeting. The President shall be ex officio a member of all standing committees, and the President shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these Bylaws. Consent of Directors of SPRING MOUNTAIN RANCH Homeowners Association, Inc. in Lieu of First Meeting dated effective the Walls may use more than one material, but should limit use to no more than three different materials. The suggestions contained herein are the result of considerable research and experience, but the basic intent is to leave as much design freedom as possible for each home builder. Paint Addendum Form. Additionally, the use of ice and water shield is recommended for the entire roof as an unde layer instead of paper. The notice of all regular and special meetings shall be given as provided in Section 3.5 of these Bylaws, and shall state the nature of the business to be undertaken. should be screened from street and neighbors views. Right of way Lot B, Block X Site Dimensions Site Size 14,812.5 square feet Typical Submittal for Home Site B, Note: Distribution of additional side yard requirements should be based upon careful review of each home site and neighboring home sites or structures. At any regular or special meeting of the Corporation duly called any one or more of the Directors may be removed with or without cause by a consent of the Members holding more than fifty percent (50%) of the votes of the Members present at such regular or special meeting, and a successor may then and there be elected to fill the vacancy thus created. Section 3.9 Consent of Absentees. All present and future Owners and their tenants, future tenants, employees, and any other person that might use the facilities owned and/or managed by the Corporation in any manner, are subject to the regulations set forth in these Bylaws, and in the Master Declaration. Expenses incurred in defending any proceeding may be advanced by the Corporation prior to the final disposition of such proceeding upon receipt of an undertaking by or on behalf of the agent to repay such amount, if it shall be determined ultimately that the agent is not entitled to be indemnified as authorized in this Article. Section 1.3 Personal Application. The web site may be used for the following purposes: Association meeting announcements and minutes. Below you can find information for the homeowners association including HOA fee includes, community features and amenities. Section 4.14 Fidelity Bonds. You should consult these rules or regulations to see if your listing is . Section 5.9 Treasurer. Due to the sensitivity of several areas in Spring Mountain Ranch, special attention must be paid to erosion and silt control in and around wetlands. Before purchasing in an HOA community you will want to research their rules and deed restrictions, reserve funds, budget, bylaws, and documents of the association. Acceptable paving materials include: asphalt, wood, on-site stone, * Through the use of building masses, roof scapes, walls and site relationships, emphasize the following: -genuine architecture with human scale -avoidance or allusions of ersatz or caricaturistic forms foreign to the McCall area -proximity to the ground; so the buildings hug the ground, rather than dominating the site. Often it is necessary to contact an HOA to acquire copies of their documents, financial statements, fees, rules and restrictions, estoppels, complaints, suggestions etc. 4.5 Baths. Sensitivity to these three key elements in the design and construction of your residence will enhance not only your home, but all of Spring Mountain Ranch. The funds collected by the Board of Directors from the Owners, attributable for replacement reserves, for maintenance recurring less frequently than annually, and for capital improvements, shall at all times be held in trust for the Owners and shall not be commingled with other Assessments collected from the Owners. Without prejudice to such foregoing general powers and duties, and such powers and duties as set forth in the Master Declaration, the Board of Directors is vested with, and responsible for, the following powers and duties: (a) To select, appoint and remove all officers, agents, and employees of the Corporation, to prescribe such powers and duties for them as may be consistent with law, with the Articles of Incorporation, the Master Declaration, and these Bylaws; to fix their compensation, if any, and to require from them security for faithful service when deemed advisable by the Board of Directors; (b) To conduct, manage and control the affairs and business of the Corporation, and to make and enforce such rules and regulations therefore consistent with law, with the Articles of Incorporation, the Master Declaration, and these Bylaws, as the Board of Directors may deem necessary or advisable; (c) To change the principal office for the transaction of the business of the Corporation from one location to another within the County of Valley, State of Idaho, as provided in Article 1 hereof; to designate any place within said County for the holding of any annual or special meeting or meetings of the Corporation consistent with the provisions of Section 3.2 hereof; and to adopt and use a corporation seal and to alter the form of such seal from time to time as the Board of Directors in its sole judgment may deem best, provided that such seal shall at all times comply with the provisions of law; (d) To borrow money and to incur indebtedness for the purposes of the Corporation, and to cause to be executed and delivered therefore, in the Corporations name, promissory notes, bonds, debentures, deeds of trust, mortgages, pledges, hypothecations or other evidence of debt and securities therefore; subject, however, to the limitations set forth in the Articles of Incorporation and the Master Declaration; (e) To fix and levy from time to time Regular Assessments, Special Assessments, and Limited Assessments upon the Owners, as provided in the Master Declaration; to determine and fix the due date for the payment of such Assessments, and the date upon which the same shall become delinquent; provided, however, that such Assessments shall be fixed and levied only to provide for the payment of the expenses of the Corporation, and of the taxes and assessments upon real or personal property owned, leased, controlled or occupied by the Corporation, or for the payment of expenses for labor rendered or materials or supplies used and consumed, or equipment and appliances furnished for the maintenance, improvement or development of such property or for the payment of any and all obligations in relation thereto, or in performing or causing to be performed any of the purposes of the Corporation for the general benefit and welfare of the Owners, in accordance with the provisions of the Master Declaration. SPRING MOUNTAIN RANCH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. Cambria at Spring Mountain Ranch. At such second meeting, the presence of Members holding at least ten percent (10%) of the total votes of all Members shall constitute a quorum. No business shall be transacted at a special meeting except as stated in the notice, unless by consent of the Members holding more than fifty percent (50%) of the votes of the Members in the Corporation, either in person or by proxy. The Architectural Committee of Spring Mountain Ranch welcomes dialogue with the owner, architect, and contractor regarding the intent and constraints exhibited in the three sections of these design guidelines. -adaptation to the site in every possible way, including its severe winter climate, its terrain, its pattern of sunlight and shade, and its natural vegetation. Flat roofs are generally discouraged as the predominant roof form. The assets so distributed shall be those remaining after satisfaction of all just debts and obligations of the Corporation, and after distribution of all property held or acquired by the Corporation under the terms of a specific trust or trusts; (k) To adopt, amend, and repeal by majority vote of the Board of Directors, rules and regulations as to the Corporation deemed reasonable and necessary; and, (I) To pay all real and personal property taxes and assessments levied against the All exterior antennae, vents, shafts, etc. Ft. 81335 National Dr, La Quinta, CA 92253. Spring Mountain Ranch should have the least possible impact on the water resource. Spring Mountain Ranch has visually surveyed the property and prepared a map for each home site. This Article shall create a right of indemnification for each agent referred to in this Article, whether or not the proceeding to which the indemnification relates arose in whole or in part prior to adoption of this Article; and in the event of the death of such agent, whether before or after initiation of such proceeding, such right shall extend to such agents legal representatives. Value of the Directors are so removed, new Directors may be used in moderation a... Variety of wall materials may lend to visual interest but too many changes make... Distribution of additional side yard requirements should be based upon careful review of each site! As a secondary roof shape on buildings with an approved finish for each home site is based careful. The trees, or be of the spring Mountain Ranch Community Range with in..., does the new law mean for your HOA ground by thin members speakers and nominating for! 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spring mountain ranch hoa rules